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Plate Balance

What we eat and drink impacts on our health and fitness.  There is a lot of confusing and contradictory information in the public domain about diet.  As a Personal Trainer I can legally call myself a Nutritional Therapist and help my clients cut through the "noise" that surrounds nutrition. 


Once we are clear what your fitness goals are it is likely that adjustments to what you eat and drink will play an important part in helping you deliver on those goals.  My approach to nutrition is very simple,  no matter what your goal might be.


As with physical training for you to stick to the meal plan I recommend it needs to be sensible and include food your like and work around your busy lifestyle and access to food.   To do this it is liklely I will first ask you to keep a food and drink diary. I then ensure that any plan I prepare is balanced,enjoyable and flexible.


The good news is that with me no foods are completely off the menu its very much about finding a balance that helps you deliver on your goals.


Like any personal traininer I can not issue meal plans aimed at diagnosing, treating or curing any medical conditions.

We are all different in terms of body shape, biology, age, mental attitude and have different likes and dislikes in terms of exercise and food.  We will all have different goals and Powerful Beliefs and respond differently to stimuli and change. We also have different demands on our times and facilities at our disposal. This is why an 'off the peg' exercise and nutrition plan is rarely effective and why I offer my clients a premium service built around individuality. 


Below is an illustration of a typical process that I follow but this thouigh can be flexed to fit in with your particulalr circumstances and shortened if required.

Free Consultation

Let's talk and start to get to know one another and decide whether we are a good fit for each other.

We will discuss your goals and I will explain my approach and answer any questions.

Discovery Meeting

Ideally, a face to face meeting,  when we start to drill down into you motivation and finalise specific goals. After the meeting I will ask for more information  to ensure your programme will be the best it can be

Programme Builder

I use my expertise to design your individua fitness and nutritionl programme including a price


I will explain it to you and we can make amendments and keep it and your progress under constant review

Training Period

This is the exciting part , where your hard work begins and the transformation starts to happen.


I will support you and regularly monitor progress either at our training sessions, via our specialised app or on the telephone.

Results and  continuation

Typically to get results a programme will last 8-12 weeks. Hopefully at the end of the schedule you will have formed good habits and will be able to maintain the 'new you'.  To help you ensure all your hard work does not go to waste I offer my clients an ongoing check-in service.

Results and  continuation

Typically to get results a programme will last 8-12 weeks. Hopefully at the end of the schedule you will have formed good habits and will be able to maintain the 'new you'.  To help you ensure all your hard work does not go to waste I offer my clients an ongoing check-in service.

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