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Personal Training Voucher Terms and Conditions between 'Personal Best' and the 'Purchaser'
1. Payments are to be made by bank transfer or cleared cheque.
2. Purchase of the voucher can be secured by way of a £50 deposit (not refundable except in exceptional circumstances at at the discretion of Personal Best ('PB').
3. Following a discussion whether orally or virtually between the purchaser and PB, PB will e-mail the purchaser with:
details of the package bought,
when the balance is due (typically immediately after the consultation or discovery meeting and before the first Session) and how much.
the date by which the voucher needs to be redeemed (i.e the date by which the consultation or discovery meeting needs to be booked) and the date by which the all sessions need to be completed ("Completion Date"). In the case of a covid lockdown these dates will be extended.
details of any stage payments that may have been agreed between PB and the purchaser.
This e-mail will form the basis of the agreement between the purchaser and PB
4. ​ PB reserves the right to cancel the voucher and any sessions for whatever reason but subject to re-imbursing the purchaser for any unused elements.
5. These terms and conditions govern the relationship between the purchaser and PB, the relationship between PB and the trainee will be governed by a separate agreement.
6. The selling of vouchers is solely at the discretion of PB, reasons for refusal will include but are not limited to where for example the trainee lives more that 30 minutes travel time from GU47.
7. Subject to consumer laws, the purchaser cannot expect to receive a refund should the trainee seek reimbursement of all or part of the unused elements of the voucher, except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of PB. Similarly there is no right for re-imbursement for unused elements past the Completion Date. PB will however adapt a reasonable approach and where appropriate in the circumstances may choose to extend the Completion Date.
8. If PB can not deliver the elements purchased for reasons within their control then, and not because of the purchaser or trainee, the purchaser will be re-imbursed for any outstanding items (the value to be fairly assessed by PB)
8. Any personal data held by PB is held in accordance with the existing terms and conditions found on this website.
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